Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Dog Sam

This is my dog.  Her name is Sam.  You really can't see her all that well in this picture, but that's o.k.  This is MY blog after all!  She's on the bottom bunk, where she belongs, and I am keeping a close eye on her, which is what I like to do.  Sam comes to visit Mom's every once in awhile.  We used to live together out in the country at Papa's house, but we get along better here on my turf.

Sam wasn't feeling too well when she got here, but me and Mom fixed her right up.  Now she's back to eating my food every time I turn my back.  See why I have to keep a close eye?  I think she's going home tomorrow, which means I will get to play with Papa, but then I get my house and my Mom and my food all to myself! 

Conversation between Mom and Sam last night.   

Sam:  It's midnight and I really have to pee!  Please, please, please WAKE UP and take me outside!
Mom:  Hmmm?  Do you need to go out?  O.k. Hang on.
(They go out the front door and I hear....)
Sam:  Hurry up, I have to pee.  Hurry up, I have to pee.  Hurry up, I have to..... THUNDER!  Yikes.  No way am I going out there!

This was repeated four times during the night........  and they call ME special.

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